Re: Dublin Core, the Primer and the Model Theory

On 2002-05-16 9:49, "ext Dan Connolly" <> wrote:

> On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 04:32, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> [...]
>> The current model theory also mandates the following
>> entailment:
>> Premise:
>>  <eg:doc1> <dc:creator> "John Smith" .
>>  <eg:doc2> <dc:creator> "John Smith" .
>> Conclusion:
>>  <eg:doc1> <dc:creator> _:blank .
>>  <eg:doc2> <dc:creator> _:blank .
>> All Dublin Core users would recognise that it is not
>> always true that the premise entail that the two documents
>> have the same author i.e. they would recognise that there
>> might be two Johns.
> The way I see it, dc:creator relates a work to
> either its creator or a name for its creator.
> So the conclusion just says that the two works
> have either the same creator or have creators with
> the same name.

Well, one way to view this is to draw a line between
URIs as names and literals as names based on global
consistency. URIs are names of things and they have
a consistent global meaning in-and-of themselves.
Literals are also names of things, but they need
additional context to disambiguate exactly which thing
they name.

But in both cases, they can name something in the


So I think that the current Dublin Core (and CC/PP
and other) usage is quite correct, and not the least
bit misguided or wrong.

There are advantages to using a URI (or blank node)
insofar as global consistency is concerned, but there
are also advantages to using context sensitive names
as well. And simpledatatypes2 provides idioms for both
cases -- but also provides a consistent interpretation
in the MT.



Patrick Stickler              Phone: +358 50 483 9453
Senior Research Scientist     Fax:   +358 7180 35409
Nokia Research Center         Email:

Received on Thursday, 16 May 2002 10:15:49 UTC