Re: single property not required [was: Missing F2F IRC logs 2002-06-18 [was Re: Datatypes]]

>>>Aaron Swartz said:
> On Wednesday, July 31, 2002, at 04:09  AM, Dave Beckett wrote:
> >  attach the logs below which include the following list of
> > datatyping things (lightly editing for presentation):
> Are these decisions or what?

No, a list of things we talked about.  The irc logs later on discuss
which ones were dismissed or highlighted.

> >  5. Only one age property required.
> If it wasn't obvious I contest this decision and call for a revote.

It wasn't a vote but I see it as highly unlikelty that vocabularies
such as Dublin Core are going to invent two RDF properties for every
property in their model just to get datatypes.


Received on Wednesday, 31 July 2002 12:39:26 UTC