Re: RDFCore WG minutes for the Telecon 2002-07-12

>>>Graham Klyne said:
> >>At 05:35 PM 7/23/02 +0100, Dave Beckett wrote:
> >>
> >Sounds like exactly what the syntax document is supposed to be about 
> >though, right?
> Absolutely.  I hope my comments don't appear to be criticisms of the syntax 
> document.


Yes, they do.  But taking this constructively, I can change or add
headings so you can find the things you were looking for.  How
RDF/XML uses XML Qnames can be made more prominent and if necessary,
more words can be added.

If you have XML syntax things that need calling out, we should fix
the XML syntax draft - let me and/or the group know any others.  I've
already got your comments from an earlier draft on the notations used
queued up for action for the next draft, but the above wasn't
mentioned then if I recall correctly.



Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2002 16:19:46 UTC