Re: RDFCore WG minutes for the Telecon 2002-07-12

At 09:42 PM 7/16/02 +0100, Dave Beckett wrote:
>Move 6.4 into syntax - DaveB: already there, not needed.

I'd like to push back a little on this decision.

First, I note that the text concerned doesn't repeat material in the syntax 
draft, but refers to that material.  The reason I feel the text should stay 
here is because the syntax document (reasonably) places very heavy emphasis 
on the process of parsing RDF, and may be inaccessible to readers who are 
not concerned with parsing issues, yet this point may be of some concern to 
them.  The text concerned is quite short:

4.3 Forming a URI reference from a Qname

The RDF/XML syntax uses QName syntax [XML-NS] to identify various 
resources, notably RDF properties. But the RDF graph syntax contains only 
URI references, and does not recognize QName forms.

Mostly, the handling of QNames is a matter for RDF parsers. But there are 
some occasions where an RDF writer needs to know the correspondence between 
QNames and URI references (e.g. when using a typed node production). The 
mapping is described in [RDF-SYNTAX], sections 3.1.2 or 3.1.4.


I'm happy with all the other decisions concerning this document, and will 
have an updated version available soon.


Graham Klyne

Received on Tuesday, 23 July 2002 07:22:56 UTC