Re: datatypes input


> I did some test cases to show that a while ago...
> I guess I don't have time to keep up. Sorry.

w.r.t. tidy & two properties
we have tested (in C#.NET btw) that

:p1 rdfs:subPropertyOf ( :p2 :p3 ) .
:i1 :p2 :i2 .
:i2 :p3 :i3 .


:i1 :p1 :i3 .

having added rdfs-entailment rule6b

this log:forAll :p, :q, :r, :s, :x, :o .
{ :p rdfs:subPropertyOf ( :q :r ) .
  :s :q :x .
  :x :r :o .
{ :s :p :o } .

so we can have datatyping S-A idiom
to S-B idiom conversion knowing that
:lp rdfs:subPropertyOf ( :p :ip ) .

and maybe strange, but what else could
the extension of :lp be than a subset
of the set of pairs obtained by chaining
pairs from the extension of :p and :ip ?

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Friday, 19 July 2002 18:22:47 UTC