Fwd: Actions/Decisions from RDFCore WG Telecon 2002-07-12

>Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 16:01:32 +0100 (BST)
>From: bwm@hplb.hpl.hp.com
>To: bwm@hplb.hpl.hp.com
>Subject: Actions/Decisions from RDFCore WG Telecon 2002-07-12
>X-MailScanner: Found to be clean
>Jema noted the following actions during RDFCore WG Telecon 2002-07-12
>2002-07-12#1:  bwm assure minutes of 2002-06-14 are written up
>2002-07-12#2:  bwm remind danbri need to get this sorted for next week
>2002-07-12#3:  jang review SOAP Part 2: Adjuncts
>2002-07-12#4:  danbri review SOAP Part 2: Adjuncts (and other bits) by 
>Tuesday 16th
>2002-07-12#5:  jjc make a specific proposal on node identifiers in rdf/xml 
>uri for WG consideration
>2002-07-12#6:  danbri try to move sec 5 'model' doc stuff into schema
>No decisions were recorded

Received on Friday, 12 July 2002 11:32:51 UTC