Re: around the table on datatypes [ was: Re: datatyping draft 3 (for telecon)]

>At 10:12 PM 2/19/02 -0600, Pat Hayes wrote:
>>I agree that we should post suitable warnings, but I don't see how 
>>we can legislate a perfect world.
>Yes (and I agree with most of the other parts of your response).   I 
>guess I'm uneasy that we should appear to explicitly promote an 
>approach that is known to be dangerous, even if it's covered with 
>To pick up your bench saw analogy, it's not only your own thumbs at 
>risk, but the thumbs of anyone who happens to walk into your 
>workshop, possibly not knowing that it contains a bench saw.  Maybe 
>a better analogy would be a restaurant that doesn't practice good 
>hygiene:  it's not so much the chef and staff that are in danger 
>from the cooking flame, but the hungry punters, consumers of the 
>product, who are not aware of the possibility of infection.

Just call me Typhoid Pat :-) Seriously, though, this all goes away if 
we use triples instead of doublets, so maybe we shouldnt worry about 
it too much.


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Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2002 12:20:22 UTC