Re: URIs vs. URIviews (was: Agenda for RDFCore WG Telecon 2002-02-15)

On 2002-02-18 3:20 AM, "Brian McBride" <> wrote:

>> Of course! I don't think anyone disagrees with that. The issue at hand is
>> whether we can define it as naming an abstract resource. See my message
>> "URIs vs. URIviews (core issue)".
> Hmmm, that seems like a question about the nature of resources and what
> names them.  These are questions we have kicked to the tag.

No, the issue is what URI-references name. I think it's pretty unambiguously
clear and I've seen Roy Fielding, Al Gilman, and many others say the same
thing. I guess we could take it to the TAG if we wanted to be absolutely
sure, but I'm not sure how they can say anything different than what the
spec says. 
> Have I understood you correctly?  You are arguing, not that we should
> answer this question, but that we should discourage folks from using uri's
> with frag id's until this has been cleaned up?

I think the question is answered (feel free to look at the text in RFC2396
and decide for yourself). But yes, I think we should discourage their use as
a way to stop things from getting worse.

[ "Aaron Swartz" ; <> ; <> ]

Received on Monday, 18 February 2002 09:55:33 UTC