Re: Datatyping use cases

On 2002-02-16 20:43, "Patrick Stickler" <> wrote:

>> 11. xsd:date rdf:type rdfs:Datatype .
>>   xsd:date rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:lform .
>>   xsd:date rdfs:range _:1 .
>>   dc:date rdfs:range _:1 .
>>   xxx dc:date "2002-02-14" .

> b) the lexical space of xsd:date

In case it isn't clear to some why the bNode denotes
the lexical space of xsd:date, it should be pointed
out that this follows from the dual nature of
datatype properties and the fact that xsd:date is
a subproperty of rdf:lform and rdf:lform has an
implicit range of the lexical space of a datatype.

Thus, from the first triple, we know xsd:date is a datatype class.
From the second triple we know its range is its own lexical space.
From the third and fourth triple we see that it shares the same
range as dc:date, and thus the range of dc:date is the lexical
space of xsd:date.
And from the last triple we know that the literal is a member
of the lexical space of xsd:date and thus, we can determine the
TDL pairing.


Patrick Stickler              Phone: +358 50 483 9453
Senior Research Scientist     Fax:   +358 7180 35409
Nokia Research Center         Email:

Received on Saturday, 16 February 2002 13:59:11 UTC