Re: URIs vs. URIviews (was: Agenda for RDFCore WG Telecon 2002-02-15)

At 19:57 14/02/2002 -0600, Aaron Swartz wrote:

>Sure, I came up with a proposal for this once, but I recall it being
>dismissed as crazily strange. I'd have no problem with that.
>  ->
>  or maybe

Does that mean you agree that does name a resource?

>Hmm, can you provide a pointer to your email? I didn't see it on the issue
>list or in the www-tag archives.

Looks like a communications cockup.  I sent it in reply to a message 
soliciting input to the tag.  I would have thought that sufficient, but 
apparently not, so I've just resent it to the tag list.  I'm offline - 
can't do a pointer.


>I hope they're identified by URIs and not URIviews. ;-)

Cute.  I pinched that idea for an addendum to the message to the tag.


Received on Friday, 15 February 2002 05:37:25 UTC