Re: Outstanding Issues

At 16:44 13/02/2002 -0500, Pat Hayes wrote:
>>>>rdfms-seq-representation: The ordinal property representation of 
>>>>containers does not support recursive processing of containers in 
>>>>languages such as Prolog.

>If anyone objects that its hard to know how many items there are in the 
>container, then tell them that if they object to finding that out by a 
>recursive search, they shouldn't be using Prolog in the first place.
>I think we should just make this an official RDF non-issue.

As expressed, I would agree with that sentiment; its hard for me to accept 
that the idiosyncracies of a particular programming language should have 
much to do with what we do.

However, I think the real issue here is not about programming languages, 
its about representing closure.  I think (DanC please confirm, you raised 
this), that the question is "How do I represent the fact that there are no 
more members of this container after rdf:_nnn".

I rather like your end marker technique Pat.


Received on Thursday, 14 February 2002 10:12:10 UTC