rdfms-literal-is-xml-structure [was Re: Outstanding Issues]

>>>Patrick Stickler said:
> On 2002-02-11 17:28, "ext Brian McBride" <bwm@hplb.hpl.hp.com> wrote:
> [perhaps these should each be in their own thread?]

> > rdfms-literal-is-xml-structure : A literal containing XML markup is not a
> > simple string, but is an XML structure.
> > 
> > This issue was put on hold pending the outcome of the datatypes discussion.
> > suggest we are far enough along on datatypes to bring this one back.
> I propose that we treat XML literals just like datatyped literals. The
> complex document type is similar to a datatype where the members of the
> lexical space are XML instances and the members of the value space are
> infoset instances.

In a similar argument to my reply on xml:lang; this means that the
mapping from RDF/XML syntax to model would require the use of RDF +
RDFS + RDF datatyping to model what was previously provided by RDF
M&S alone.

Although since for XML literals, it was previously rather vague on
this - the whole point of resolving the issue - this is something we
have to take care on; it would be moving something to a possibly
non-core (where core=RDF M&S equivalent) part of the RDF.


[ Rest of Patrick's reply at


Received on Monday, 11 February 2002 12:18:34 UTC