Re: summary of reification?

>Well, by my reading of current M&S, I think is does;  i.e.
>    <rdf:Description rdf:about='ex:subj'>
>       <ex:prop rdf:id='ex:reif' rdf:resource='ex:obj'/>
>    </rdf:Description>
>    <ex:reif> <rdf:type> <rdf:Statement> .
>    <ex:reif> <rdf:subject> <ex:subj> .
>    <ex:reif> <rdf:predicate> <ex:prop> .
>    <ex:reif> <rdf:object> <ex:obj> .

Well sure, but I thought you meant an association between <ex:reif> 
and the triple

<ex:subj> <ex:propp> <ex:obj> .

What, if anything, could set up that kind of an association? (How do 
we attach a URI to a triple??)

>which was my point:  I didn't think the statement resource was 
>necessarily a bnode.

OK, got that now, thanks.

>(Of course, this entails the bnode case, right?)


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Received on Thursday, 7 February 2002 12:08:59 UTC