RE: datatypes: conversation with Mark Butler, chair of cc/pp

> ...


Thanks for the pointers to the CC/PP and UAProf materials. I can 
certainly appreciate legacy issues and the need for a painless and smooth
evolution as possible. But I think things are OK, per the latest
propsals (or at least, with one of them). See my comments below.

> 4. Some of the datatype proposals you are discussing will 
> simply not work
> with UAProf, and based on my experience in (3) I think it 
> will be uphill
> task to get the WAP Forum to change UAProf to reflect the datatype
> proposals. Therefore I would suggest you need to think 
> carefully about how
> you are going to maintain backward compatibility with 
> applications like
> this.
> Now in your replies, you focused on the use of XML Schema and 
> I think that
> is a side issue. CC/PP badly needs validation but I don't 
> particularly care
> how it is done. As I see it the primary issue here is any 
> datatype changes
> in RDF shouldn't break backward compatibility with CC/PP or 
> UAProf, or if
> they do there needs to be a clear work-around in place to 
> overcome this. 

Backwards compatability has always been a key issue during
the entire process of exploring the RDF datatyping problem
and drafting various proposed solutions. I think that one
of the current proposals will work seamlessly with CC/PP as
presently defined and will require no modification to any
CC/PP applications whatsoever, either syntactically or

Let me try to outline the situation as I understand it, and
present what I see as an optimal solution to validation of
literals in CC/PP instances.

Firstly, CC/PP has (at least at the application level) 
datatype value semantics rather than string representation
semantics. E.g. the BitsPerPixel property takes as its
value "The number of bits..." not a string representing
the number of bits. What is important to the application
is the value, not how it is represented in the XML serialization.
The datatype that constrains the value of BitsPerPixel to
the set of integers is implicit in the CC/PP standard. It
couldn't be explicit yet, because RDF doesn't provide a
mechanism for making it explicit.

One of the proposals on the table would provide that mechanism,
by simply employing rdfs:range to assert this datatype constraint
for the property. E.g.

   <rdf:Description rdf:ID="BitsPerPixel">
      <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;integer">

which simply asserts that every value of the BitsPerPixel property
is an integer, which is of course what the CC/PP application is
expecting. Thus, when a CC/PP application sees


the RDF MT clearly asserts that "10" denotes the integer value

Now, insofar as validation is concerned, taking the above
approach, one could use either XML Schema or an RDF based
validation tool. The key components of the validation, in any
case, would be:

1. a lexical form (e.g. "10")

2. a datatype (e.g. xsd:integer) which has the following
   characteristics (which are compatable with XML Schema):
   (a) a value space
   (b) a lexical space
   (c) an N:1 mapping from the lexical to the value space

3. one or mechanisms which associate the datatype with the
   lexical form, either locally for the particular occurrence
   of the lexical form and/or (as is done in CC/PP) by associating
   a datatype with a property such that all values of that
   property are constrained to be values of the datatype.

4. a membership function that tests whether the lexical form
   is a member of the lexical space of the datatype, i.e.

      validLexicalForm(datatype,lexicalForm) -> {T, F}

Now, there are various ways in which #4 above can be defined
and applied.

One can use XML Schema to define the datatype in question, as
well as to associate the datatype in question with the property 
by asserting the datatype for the element in the RDF/XML
serialization itself. E.g.:

   <xsd:element name="BitsPerPixel" type="xsd:integer"/>

Then, one can run the CC/PP RDF/XML instance through an XML Schema
validator to ensure that all values for BitsPerPixel are in fact
lexically valid for the particular datatype.

Alternately, one could define the lexical space of the datatype
by means of a set of ordered inclusive and exclusive regular
expressions, and perform lexical validation of literals based
on iteration of the RDF graph for all datatype/literal pairings.


In either case, no change is required to CC/PP in order to
validate the literals according to the specified datatypes.

What I see as the crucial issue here is that the semantics of
the CC/PP literal values are consistent with the validation employed,
whether it be in XML space or RDF space -- and therefore, the
mechanisms employed by RDF for attributing datatyping to literals
and the semantics asserted by the RDF MT to those datatyped literals
should mirror that of both XML Schema as well as the CC/PP application.

The proposal outlined in
reflects the semantics embodied in XML Schema and CC/PP for
datatyped literal values, as well as providing the missing mechanism
for associating the datatypes with each particular property, making
explicit in the RDF which is now implicit in the CC/PP specification.

The other proposal on the table, rather, treats literals as global
string constants, and does not mirror the semantics of CC/PP. It
would assert that both of the following properties have
in fact the very same value (not representation, but actual value):


and any RDF query that asked, is the model equal to the
bits per pixel would have to answer 'yes', because they
have the same lexical representation, even though in reality
the first value is an integer and the latter a string
insofar as the CC/PP semantics is concerned, and they are
clearly not equal values. 

IMO, we will want our systems to become more modular and
generic insofar as knowledge representation and inference
is concerned, and to have to rely less on application specific
interpretation, so having the above sort of fuzzyness in
the datatyping semantics and pushing the ultimate interpretation
out to the application layer will negatively impact scalability
and portability of knowledge, as one will have to be concerned
whether all applications utilizing the same RDF expressed
knowledge employ the same actual interpretations.



> best regards
> Mark H. Butler, PhD
> W3C CC/PP Working Group Chair
> Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol
> Internet:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Brian McBride []
> > Sent: 14 August 2002 18:49
> > To: RDF Core
> > Cc:
> > Subject: datatypes: conversation with Mark Butler, chair of cc/pp
> > 
> > 
> > I chatted with Mark Butler yesterday, including some discussion of 
> > datatypes in cc/pp.
> > 
> > One of the ideas that Mark favours is to define an XML Schema 
> > for the cc/pp 
> > language.  This would enable:
> > 
> >    o validation of incoming cc/pp profiles to a server
> >    o the use of default attributes to insert datatype 
> > attributes such as 
> > xsi:type="xsd:decimal" automatically, thus providing global 
> implicit 
> > datatyping in the parser.
> > 
> > Whilst not perfect, does this technique go some way towards 
> > meeting the 
> > need for global implicit datatyping.
> > 
> > Brian
> > 

Received on Friday, 16 August 2002 04:04:41 UTC