RE: Issue rdf-equivalent-representations

Sorry Brian, I know you're trying to simplify life but ...

>    o The WG believes that extending the RDF/XML syntax so that it
> can respresent
>      all RDF graphs is beyond the scope of its current charter
> and resolves
>      to postpone consideration of this issue.

I have to date agreed with this, but .... I'm wavering.

I'm wavering for three reasons:

+ with a developer hat on, a developer who controls both an RDF/XML reader
and an RDF/XML writer I note that I have a *responsiblity* to my users to
fix this problem, at least between my writer and my reader. With WG hat on,
maybe I can duck that responsibility, but I, at least, need to have a
solution; even if it doesn't have WG blessing.

+ this is really a bug, a significant bug, not just an academic bug, a bug
with the spec. I think it is in charter to fix bugs.

+ there are a number of adequate fixes with adequate backwardly compatible
behaviour. Viz -
   a. mandate that all fragment URIs of a particular URI are in fact bNode's
and not real URIs e.g.

   b. suggest use of processing instruction
      e.g. <?rdf-fake-uri>

   c. use of new attribute rdf:local

Anyone care to push me over the edge?


Received on Thursday, 15 November 2001 09:51:02 UTC