Re: datatypes and MT

>Pat Hayes wrote:
>>Maybe we should ask our Chair what the intended scope of this 
>>discussion is supposed to be. By 'datatype' should we understand 
>>only XML datatypes, or *any* datatyping scheme that anyone could 
>>possibly dream up, or something in between? Are there any general 
>>assumptions that we can make about all 'reasonable' datatyping 
>I would seek Dan Brickley's advice on this, however as a working 
>assumption I would suggest we focus our attention on our charter 
>requirement to explain to users how to use RDF Schema datatypes with 


  What exactly is the difference between an RDF Schema and an RDF 
Schema datatype, and how would one of the latter be used to fix the 
interpretation of a literal?


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Received on Thursday, 8 November 2001 20:48:12 UTC