Re: Issue #rdf-ns-prefix-confusion

Dave Beckett wrote:
> >>>Dan Connolly said:
> > Er... thanks for the details about which parts of
> > the spec are affected, but
> > the action item is also about test cases; I don't
> > see any here; you're still getting those together, right?
> Posted before I sent that message:
>   Test Cases for Issue

Ah... sorry, I missed that. Very good.

> I didn't want to wordsmith them further but I wanted a full record of
> exactly what we had agreed and there were still some changes I had to
> merge in from in the meeting.

Er... what we agreed to is (supposed to be) in the meeting
record; is your message (of Wed, 30 May 2001 16:27:01 +0100)
intended as a correction to the minutes?

Looking at it that way, it looks mostly OK, except that
I don't remember deciding exactly how we'd fix the grammar.

I'd prefer to stay with the record of our decision as is
(in my message of Fri, 25 May 2001 13:21:52 -0500) but
I don't have a strong preference.

BrianM and Danbri, please do include, in the agenda
for this Friday's meeting, any corrections to the
record of our meeting from last week that you think
are in order.

I've updated these...
# I've incorporated these changes:
#       Mike Dean was present (Fri, 25 May 2001 16:11:25 -0400)
#	Ron Daniel sent regrets (Tue, 29 May 2001 07:29:36 -0700)
#	BrianM Wed, 30 May 2001 16:31:32 +0100

Feel free to use them as the meeting record;
make copies if you like.

> Additionally, I remembered somebody wanted the specific changes to
> the grammar enumerated exactly and I said I would do it, which would
> then be linked with the errata section.  I thought that was you Dan,
> but I can't remember exactly or see it in the irc logs.
> Dave

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2001 19:15:48 UTC