Re: Issue

>>>Aaron Swartz said:
> Dave Beckett <> wrote:
> > The confusion is the different interpretation of rdf:ID in
> > propertyElt when the element is empty / non-empty.
> It was my understanding that the issue was the fact that statements using
> resources as objects could not be reified.


No - the original issue had a specific question which I refered to, quoted,
and answered in my message:
I was not answering the different issue above.


> But the grammar does not allow this because of the (somewhat unexpected and
> little-known) usage of ID to name a new property.
> Along with Jan Grant's proposal for removing the creation of new resources
> on empty propElts, I think that the use of ID to name them should also be
> removed. Thus your option 2 would always be the case.

I feel that removing this existing syntax is too much of a change,
although I did give my misgivings about its function and clarity in
my message.

In IRC later, Aaron noted there was a way to do what he wanted
which was also in the original issue description


Received on Friday, 18 May 2001 06:31:47 UTC