Re: Current use of RDF features

Regarding the CC/PP specification:

>The two aspects in question seem to be:
>Containers -

CC/PP does use these:  rdf:Bag and rdf:Seq, but not rdf:Alt.  These are 
used in part for backward compatibility with UAProf.

In designing this stuff, the special use of <rdf:li> somewhat restricted 
some design choices I would have liked to pursue (though Dave and Brian's 
container proposal would largely ameliorate that).

>Reification -

CC/PP does not currently use this.  But we have rather punted on the trust 
issue for now -- I think that it might come into play as/when trust is 
properly addressed (unless there's a better way).


Received on Thursday, 17 May 2001 15:27:05 UTC