Draft Partitioning - Summing up

I have reviewed the responses to the proposed partitioning of our problem
space, and I'd like to take a shot at summing up (not summarizing) the

There seems to unanimity in the responses for a partition of the
technical issues into:

  o an abstract syntax and semantics (previously called core)
  o schema
  o vocabularies
  o RDF/XML syntax

There is some disagreement over what must be explicity dealt with in
the abstract syntax and semantics, specifically, whether it must have
explicit representation for reification, for type and for Class.

Ron made the excellent point, that before we go off creating new
designs, we ought to be clear what our requirements are.

I suggest that there is enough agreement around this broad partitioning,
that with the specific proviso that we remain open minded for the moment 
about where reification, type and class belong, that we can start to
move forward with each partition in parallel.


Received on Thursday, 21 June 2001 15:16:16 UTC