Re: Face to Face Objectives

Hi Brian,

you wrote:
>We have our first face to face meeting coming up in just a few weeks.
>Personally, I am looking forward to the chance to meet everyone and
>exchange a few beers.  (I have a  penchant for Sierra Nevada and
>Anchor Steam.)

Fine, and I hope they have 'triple' Trapist beer...

>Face to face time is rare and extremely valuable.  We should take care to
>make the most of this opportunity.  So as well as making sure we have some
>fun, I would like to suggest that we set ourselves some goals for things
>we'd like to accomplish by the end of the face to face.
>To initiate the discussion of what those goals might be, I'd like to
>suggesting the following:
>That by the end of the face to face we have:
>  o agreed an abstract syntax with at least the expressive power of
>    n-triple and defined its semantics
>  o resolved all outstanding issues with RDF schema
>  o decided how we will define RDF/XML (BNF, XML Schema?, DTD?, other)
>    and its transformation (XSLT, other?) to n-triple
>and within two weeks of the end of the face to face we have documented the
>first two of these decisions in WG drafts.

That would be really great!
I find your testcase
and it's desired n-triples result
very helpful in thinking about r9n (r+9letters+n)
and I'm trying to work out some 'rules' examples.

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Thursday, 21 June 2001 11:32:44 UTC