Face to Face Objectives

We have our first face to face meeting coming up in just a few weeks.
Personally, I am looking forward to the chance to meet everyone and
exchange a few beers.  (I have a  penchant for Sierra Nevada and 
Anchor Steam.)

Face to face time is rare and extremely valuable.  We should take care to
make the most of this opportunity.  So as well as making sure we have some
fun, I would like to suggest that we set ourselves some goals for things
we'd like to accomplish by the end of the face to face.

To initiate the discussion of what those goals might be, I'd like to
suggesting the following:

That by the end of the face to face we have:

  o agreed an abstract syntax with at least the expressive power of
    n-triple and defined its semantics

  o resolved all outstanding issues with RDF schema

  o decided how we will define RDF/XML (BNF, XML Schema?, DTD?, other)
    and its transformation (XSLT, other?) to n-triple

and within two weeks of the end of the face to face we have documented the
first two of these decisions in WG drafts.


Received on Thursday, 21 June 2001 10:16:38 UTC