Re: Resolution for rdfms-fragments

[no time for a more complete reply just now, but
in case I don't back to this for a while, I'll send this
much now...]

Aaron Swartz wrote:
> On 2001-12-06 11:14 PM, "Dan Connolly" <> wrote:
> > The RDF spec and the URI spec are orthogonal and don't form
> > this sort of conflict.
> The RDF claims it describes Resources, no?

it provides a framework for describing resources, yes.

> It calls itself a Resource
> Description Framework. The URI spec seems to go out of its way to say that
> URIs with fragmentIDs in them are _not_ Resources,

no, it says strings with #fragmentIDs are not URIs.

The defintion of resource that it gives isn't
limited in the way you suggest:

         A resource can be anything that has identity.  Familiar
         examples include an electronic document, an image, a service
         (e.g., "today's weather report for Los Angeles"), and a
         collection of other resources.  Not all resources are network
         "retrievable"; e.g., human beings, corporations, and bound
         books in a library can also be considered resources.

> yet RDF describes them.
> Perhaps we should rename RDF the Resource and Other Thing Framework for
> 'Laborating (ROTFL). ;-)
> To drive home this point, I quote from the URI RFC again:
> [[[
>    [...] A URI reference may be absolute or relative,
>    and may have additional information attached in the form of a
>    fragment identifier.  However, "the URI" that results from such a
>    reference includes only the absolute URI after the fragment
>    identifier (if any) is removed and after any relative URI is resolved
>    to its absolute form.
> ]]]

That text makes a clear point about syntax, but not about any
relationship between absolute-URI-references and resources.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 7 December 2001 14:30:29 UTC