Re: In defense of S

Sergey Melnik wrote:
> Idiom B
> =======
> Another way of using datatype mappings is to define the range of a
> property as the *lexical space* of a datatype:
>   dc:date --rdfs:range--> [] <--rdfs:range-- xsd:duration

"the range of a property" is an ill-formed definite description;
a property can have lots different classes as ranges.
Not to mention that a bnode can't be the object of two
different statements in RDF/xml.

We can use this idiom if, as Graham suggested[1], we pick
names for "the lexical space of the xsd:duration datatype";
say, rdfd:durationLexicalSpace. Of course, once we pick
it, we would say
	xsd:duration rdfs:range rdfd:durationLexicalSpace.

I think Idiom B is much akin to PL[2]. I like the idea
	- we give names to all three (lexical, value, mapping)
	parts of each of the primitive datatypes

	- we explain how to use them (PL/S-B, S-A)

	- we let users choose



Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2001 08:28:27 UTC