Resolution of: #rdfms-identity-anon-resources ?

I have not read the full mailing list since the F2F yet, but I offer this 
as a possible resolution of the "prince nodes" issue, based on my 
understanding of what transpired at the F2F:

Described resources that are not named in an XML serialization (by rdf:ID 
or rdf:about) are represented in an RDF abstract graph by nodes that do not 
have any associated URI.  Such nodes are thereby distinguishable from 
described resources that are named, as the named nodes do have an 
associated URI.

To reflect un-named descriptions in N-triples, local names must be 
introduced (i.e. of the form '_:name').  These names are not URIs, and 
their scope is the N-triples document in which they appear.


Graham Klyne

Received on Friday, 10 August 2001 12:14:29 UTC