News Release: World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Schema as a W3C Recommendation

World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Schema as a W3C Recommendation

Two Years of Development Produces Comprehensive Solution for XML

Contact America --
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Contact Europe --
Marie-Claire Forgue <>, +33 492.39.75.94
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Saeko Takeuchi <>, +81.466.49.1170

Web Resources for XML Schema:

Press Release:

Testimonials from Altova, Inc., Commerce One, IBM, IPR Systems, Lotus
Development Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Oracle Corporation, 
Reuters, Inc., SAP AG, webMethod, University of Edinburgh:

XML Schema Part 0: Primer:

XML Schema Part 1: Structures:

XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes:

Extensible Markup Language (XML) Activity Statement:

------- -- 2 May 2001 -- The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
issues XML Schema as a W3C Recommendation. XML Schemas define shared
markup vocabularies, the structure of XML documents which use those
vocabularies, and provide hooks to associate semantics with them.

A W3C Recommendation indicates that a specification is stable,
contributes to Web interoperability, and has been reviewed by the 
W3C Membership, who are in favor of supporting its adoption by 
academic, industry, and research communities.

XML Schema Has Arrived
With over two years of development and testing through implementation,
XML Schema provides an essential piece for XML to reach its full

"XML Schema makes good on the promises of extensibility and power at the
heart of XML," said Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director. "In conjunction with
XML Namespaces, XML Schema is the language for building XML

By bringing datatypes to XML, XML Schema increases XML's power and
utility to the developers of electronic commerce systems, database
authors and anyone interested in using and manipulating large volumes of
data on the Web. By providing better integration with XML Namespaces, it
makes it easier than it has ever been to define the elements and
attributes in a namespace, and to validate documents which use multiple
namespaces defined by different schemas.

The XML Schema specification consists of three parts. One part defines a
set of simple datatypes, which can be associated with XML element types
and attributes; this allows XML software to do a better job of managing
dates, numbers, and other special forms of information. The second part
of the specification proposes methods for describing the structure and
constraining the contents of XML documents, and defines the rules
governing schema-validation of documents. The third part is a primer,
which explains what schemas are, how they differ from DTDs, and how
someone builds a schema.

XML Schema Gives Flexibility, Data Fidelity for Users
XML Schema introduces new levels of flexibility that may accelerate the
adoption of XML for significant industrial use. For example, a schema
author can build a schema that borrows from a previous schema, but
overrides it where new unique features are needed. This principle,
called inheritance, is similar to the behavior of Cascading Style 
Sheets, and allows the user to develop XML Schemas that best suit 
their needs, without buidling an entirely new vocabulary from scratch.

XML Schema allows the author to determine which parts of a document may
be validated, or identify parts of a document where a schema may apply. 
XML Schema also provides a way for users of ecommerce systems to choose
which XML Schema they use to validate elements in a given namespace, 
thus providing better assurance in ecommerce transactions and greater
security against unauthorized changes to validation rules.

Further, as XML Schema are XML documents themselves, they may be managed
by XML authoring tools, or through XSLT.

XML Schema Tools Include Validator and Test Suite Collection
W3C, with the University of Edinburgh has co-developed XSV, the XML
Schema Validator. The validator has been revised at each stage of XML 
Schema development and now provides validation against the XML Schema
Recommendation. In addition, W3C invites developers to send in sample
schemas for a test suite library, to be reviewed and managed by the W3C
XML Schema Working Group.

XML Schema Has Broad Support
The working group roster reads as a who's who of information technology
leaders in research and industry. The members include: Academia Sinica;
Altova GmbH; ArborText, Inc; Bootstrap Alliance and LSU; Calico
Commerce; Commerce One; Contivo; Defense Information Systems Agency 
(DISA); Defense Logistics Information Service; DevelopMentor;
Distributed Systems Technology Centre (DSTC Pty Ltd); Graphic 
Communications Association; Health Level Seven; Hewlett Packard 
Company; IBM; Informix; Intel; Lexica LLC; Lotus Development 
Corporation; Microsoft Corporation; Microstar; MITRE; Mozquito 
Technology; NCR; Oracle Corp.; Progress Software; Rational Software; 
SAP AG; Software AG; Sun Microsystems; TIBCO Software; University of
webMethods, Inc; Xerox; and XMLSolutions.

Many are committed to current and future product support for the XML
Schema Recommendation.

About the World Wide Web Consortium [W3C]
The W3C was created to lead the Web to its full potential by developing
common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its
interoperability. It is an international industry consortium jointly run
by the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (MIT LCS) in the USA, the
National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA)
in France and Keio University in Japan. Services provided by the 
Consortium include: a repository of information about the World Wide 
Web for developers and users, and various prototype and sample 
applications to demonstrate use of new technology. To date, over 510 
organizations are Members of the Consortium. 
For more information see


Testimonials from  Altova, Commerce One, IBM, IPR Systems, Lotus 
Development Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Reuters, Inc., 
SAP AG, webMethods, University of Edinburgh and webMethods

Altova has been an active supporter of XML Schema from the start,
because we believe XML Schema will play an important role in bridging
the gap between traditional database-like information and document-like 
content that is typically expressed using markup languages. This will 
enable a whole new generation of content and e-business applications 
fueling both the semantic web and B2B exchange efforts. Altova 
applauds the advancement of XML Schema to W3C Recommendation and is 
proud to have been involved in the XML Schema Working Group. Altova 
already supports the XML Schema Candidate Recommendation in its 
XML Spy 3.5 IDE product and will introduce updated support for the 
final Recommendation version of XML Schema in the upcoming XML Spy 4.0 
product line later this month.
-- Alexander Falk, President & CEO, Altova, GmBH

Commerce One is extremely pleased to see XML Schema 1.0 advance to
Recommendation. XML Schema supports many of the advanced features first
introduced by Commerce One's Schema for Object-Oriented XML (SOX),
ensuring an easy migration path for SOX users to XML Schema. By
providing these advanced capabilities to all users, XML Schema 
represents an important step for the Web community and electronic 
commerce in particular. Commerce One is committed to adopting XML 
Schema in its products. We will shortly provide a version of XML 
Common Business Library (xCBL) 3.0, the leading, component-based l
ibrary of XML eCommerce documents, in XML Schema.
-- Dr. Matthew Fuchs, Chief Scientist for XML Technologies, 
   Commerce One

XML Schema is a critical technology for e-business applications and the
emergence of web services. IBM is committed to open standards to ensure
the interoperability and longevity of the solutions we build for our
customers. We have been involved with XML Schema from its beginning in
both the specification development and the open source implementations
that have tracked the emerging standard. We are pleased to support XML
Schema as a W3C Recommendation.
-- Bob Sutor, Director, e-business Standards Strategy, IBM

IPR Systems is pleased to see the formal approval of the XML Schema
recommendation as it provides a key technology for the vision of the new
"Semantic Web". XML Schema is a fundamental and new architecture and
opens the possibility of revolutionary enhancements in understanding 
Web resources via structured data and metadata. XML Schema will play a
critical role in emerging new digital industries that will work together
to delivery the "full potential" of the Web.
-- Dr. Renato Iannella, Chief Scientist, IPR Systems

XML Schema is a significant milestone in the evolution of XML as an
industrial strength web services technology. Lotus played a significant
role in the development of XML Schema, and we are pleased to support the
publication of XML Schema as a W3C Recommendation.
-- Neil Starkey, Chief Technical Officer, Lotus Development Corporation

XML Schema is a significant milestone in the evolution and maturity of
XML, and a key enabler of Web services and peer-to-peer computing.
Interoperability in a world populated by millions of PCs, smart devices
and Web services is only possible when based on rigorously defined data
formats and protocols. The opportunities created by XML for businesses
and consumers are greatly enhanced by this release of XML Schema. The
adoption of XML and XML Schema throughout Microsoft's products and 
services is at the heart of our .NET vision for Web services.
-- Bill Gates, Chairman and Chief Software Architect, Microsoft

As both an application suite and information management software
provider, Oracle has been actively involved in the definition of XML
Schema to meet the needs of e-businesses for information exchange and
business process integration. Oracle's early involvement and
implementations of XML Schema helps ensure that Oracle's customers
benefit from the very latest open XML standards while delivering
XML-based B2B applications. In fact, XML Schema is at the core of the
native XML support in the Oracle9i(tm) Database, enabling developers to
easily and seamlessly manipulate complex XML e-business data using Java
and SQL.
-- Andrew Mendelsohn, Senior Vice President of Database and Application
Server Technologies, Oracle Corporation

XML Schemas provide us with the ability to clearly and flexibly describe
the content of XML messages, allowing us to reliably automate commercial
and financial transactions and bring them into the world of "Internet
time", including "straight through processing and "T+1" or "T+0"
settlement for securities transactions. Reuters will be using XML
Schemas as an integral part of its product development, and we thank 
the W3C for this work, which is an important step in the continuing 
XML story.
-- Mike Sayers, CTO, Reuters

SAP is pleased to see that XML Schema has become a W3C Recommendation.
XML Schema is a key integration technology for supporting tightly 
coupled business processes through loosely coupled components within 
and outside of the company boundary and an essential standard for 
building and leveraging shared knowledge about collaborative services 
and processes. SAP is committed to embracing XML Schema throughout 
the e-business platform by providing XML-based services and 
leveraging XML Schema to support business integration within mySAP 
-- Dr. Peter Barth, Director Corporate Marketing mySAP Technology and
mySAP Workplace, SAP AG

We welcome the designation of the W3C XML Schema specifications as
official W3C Recommendations. This event is important not only because
of the practical benefits it will bring to the World Wide Web, but also
because it represents a major success for collaboration between science
and industry: The design of XML Schema depends not only on the practical
experience of industry, but also on a unique confluence of scientific
inputs, from disciplines as diverse as formal language theory,
computational linguistics and type theory. We are pleased to have
contributed to this work, and are already seeing the benefits of using
it in our own research and development activities.
-- Henry S. Thompson, Reader in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive
Science, Division of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Exchanging business information is a critical requirement for automating
business processes within and between companies. webMethods is pleased
to see XML Schema approved as a Recommendation, and to have been an
participation in the development of this standard. XML Schema makes
describing, exchanging, and validating business information easier and
more flexible. We are proud to have delivered support for the October CR
draft in our 4.0 release and will continue to advance our support for
this standard.
-- Jim Green, Chief Technology Officer, webMethods


Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2001 05:58:24 UTC