Neil has some very good points about sharing semantics between CA systems. OpenMath is attempting to solve this problem, so, in some sense, we don't have to do so here. But I think we do need to allow our markup to be semantically annotated. To me, this means allowing two possibilities: 1. type information on expressions 2. context information on expressions Here a type annotation on sin(x) might say "sin(x) is an object of type Expression with Integer coefficients". The context annotation would say "the sin function mentioned here is the one from the Trigonometry context." The actual type or context in this example is irrelevant. I see this committee as mainly a language design group. I think we need to support both of the above forms of annotation WITHOUT REGARD TO THE TYPES OR CONTEXTS ACTUALLY USED. That is, we let users specify types and contexts but we don't define them. We let OpenMath define the contexts, say, and we let AXIOM and Cayley fight out the type names they wish to share. Of course, we might want an attribute somewhere near the beginning of an expression stating that, say, the OpenMath context system will be used in what follows. BobReceived on Thursday, 22 August 1996 08:11:28 UTC
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