Ping sent a couple of additions to the minutes of the Monday call and I've posted them to the minutes archived on the AMS pages. His comments regarded: 1. There was a noted dearth of direct renderers for any SGML math notation. Since no print or screen renderers are written (of which those involved in the telephone call were aware), publishers accept mathematical notation in other forms (e.g. AIP and Elsevier accept many forms) and use an intermediate language for printing (AIP currently converts to SGML from Xyvision *after* the print form is created, although it has plans to move to SGML earlier in the process; Elsevier, I think, converts author copy to SGML then allows their multitude of vendors to handle the SGML in whatever way is deemed best). This isn't entirely surprising since SGML hasn't been billed as a print or display form. But, Lauren: what's the situation with SoftQuad? I had the impression at the DLI meeting in Champaign that SQ was working on a rendering from 12083. 2. We discussed that semantical information could be retrieved from a displayed form if proper links are maintained. E.g., one might be able to click on a symbol and have its meaning explained. -RonReceived on Wednesday, 21 August 1996 15:43:31 UTC
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