Here are a couple more samples. I'll go slowly because I know there are adjustments to be made. Comments are very helpful. -Ron --------------------------------------------------------- Item 5 / pre-superscript TeX: {}^tx Wolfram: x^^^t MINSE: 'fct(x,t) Display-List (S): <mprescripts>x<mc><mc>t</mscripts> Display-List (MS): ISO 12083: x<sup location="pre">1</sup> Notes: 1. I believe MINSE has no 'primitive' pre-scripting facilities (analogous to ";"). The function of the pre-scripting operator has to be encoded within a compound (arbitrarily named "fct" here). --------------------------------------------------------- Item 6 / superscript and pre-superscript TeX: {}^tx^2 Wolfram: x^^^t^2 MINSE: 'exp('fct(x,t),2) or 'fct(x,t)^2 Display-List (S): <mscripts><mprescripts>x<mc><mc>t</mscripts><mc><mc>2</mscripts> Display-List (MS): ISO 12083: x<sup location="pre">1</sup><sup>2</sup> Notes: 1. Is it true that DisplayList format has no "flat" rendering for this? i.e. the expression is nested one way or another (in expression, not rendering)? Not a 'problem', just wondering. 2. In cases where tensor notation is *not* required, I assume that strings of characters can also be used in Wolfram notation, a la "x^^^{t_1}^2" and "x^^^{ut}___1^2".Received on Thursday, 15 August 1996 16:28:41 UTC
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