Response to Ping's comments: py> Just a couple of notes about the MINSE forms: py> py> rw> Item 1 / simple subscript py> rw> ------------------------- py> rw> py> rw> TeX: x_1 py> rw> Wolfram: x_1 py> rw> MINSE: x;1 or x .dnidx 1 py> py> The current name for the ; operator is "idx", so that'd be "x .idx 1". py> There are actually three options -- py> py> 'idx(x,1) x .idx 1 x;1 py> py> -- the second of which is introduced by the shortcut of infix notation, py> and the third by the further shortcut of an operator symbol. It's good to point out the 3 options you do, although, as in Dave's comment, I think we have to give up the notion of "all" possibilities. I'll carry the 3 you mention in the "archive" of examples in the AMS pages. Thanks (and thanks for the correction on the ^ operator). I used ".dnidx" simply because you had inserted an ".upidx" in the example from an AMS journal posted several weeks ago. This segues into: py> rw> Item 2 / nested subscript py> rw> ------------------------- py> rw> py> rw> TeX: s_{i_k} py> rw> Wolfram: s_i_k py> rw> MINSE: s;(i;k) or s .dnidxa (i .dnidxb k) py> py> I'm not very clear on why you would need to separate the two indices py> by using different compounds here, but as it stands the two alternatives py> aren't equivalent. Probably most equivalent to the other examples would be: py> py> 'idx(s, 'idx(i, k)) s .idx (i .idx k) s;(i;k) I used different notations for the indexing operation because I felt there might be cases where separation of the two maps would be useful. The "indexing" may be, in both cases, a map from the integers (or positive integers or non-negative integers), but the maps themselves are actually different (they may have obviously different ranges). If we encountered a complicated expression using the two notions, mightn't we want them distinguished? You also say in the second posting: py> The only reason for the distinction between ".idx" and py> ".upidx", for example, is that sometimes a raised index py> and a lowered index have no difference in meaning at all, py> but are rendered that way just for stylistic reasons, py> so it is convenient to allow a couple of alternatives. and I had meant the use of ".dnidxa" and ".dnidxb" in this spirit (also with semantical distinctions in mind). I may not be following why you call the two forms I posted "inequivalent". I would claim that the second ("s .dnidxa (i .dnidxb k)") is more highly disambiguated than the first (using the language of algebraic geometry, one might call the second a "blow up" of the first) and hence inequivalent, but I'm not certain whether this is what you allude to. And last in this list: py> Another possibly significant point to make is that, while py> the examples were entitled "subscript", "superscript", py> and such, the MINSE samples represent the mathematical py> relationships typically rendered as sub/superscript py> (e.g. exponentiation), and do not directly mean "superscript". Yes. This lies at the base of some fundamental differences in approach. Bruce has termed the Wolfram approach "notational" and MINSE "semantical". I've tried to indicate a mitigation by claiming the two don't enforce their differences, but rather show differences of their authors' attitudes. This difference in attitude does come out, as you suggest, in my choice of category heads. How to recognize this difference and still work toward HTML-Math? I think we can go at this by discussing notations and attaching semantical cues to notations. MINSE does it by inserting new compounds; Wolfram does it by inserting macros or matching patterns after the expression is formed; I might do it by inserting new entities orthogonal to the Wolfram scheme: MINSE: x .idx i Wolfram: x \idx i Whitney: x &semantics{indexer}_ i (Here I'm only suggesting an extension of the idea of ⁢.) The reason I would choose to categorize by notation and attach semantics afterward is because I view the semantical problem as much thornier and because we know we have to come up with notation which meets the needs of users who wish to keep semantics in the eyes and ears of the beholders. Can we operate in this way, recognizing differences? If you feel this closes doors, do say so. I'm not inclined to attack semantics as OpenMath and Pike are doing, but I don't think I've ruled out other ideas of MINSE. -RonReceived on Thursday, 15 August 1996 13:05:34 UTC
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