XML Digital Signature, a Standard?

Dear XMLdsig developers,


Could you kindly give me some guideline about the following question?

XML Digital Signature, as I understand, is an IETF/W3C Recommendation.

Is it a Standard registered by some specialized institute, like ISO, IEEE

If NO, is there a <hard> reference to <XML-Signature Syntax and Processing>
document (http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/): ISBN or something else?

A reference that allows to get the text from library, not URL?

This document, does it have some official number etc. in addition to
publication date?


Thank you! 



With best regards,

Alex Prikhodko


Tel. +7-(495)-795-08-59 +161


Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2007 20:43:29 UTC