- From: Daniel Barclay <daniel@fgm.com>
- Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 15:30:10 -0500
- To: w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org
The current XML-Signature Syntax and Processing specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xmldsig-core-20020212/ contains several editorial errors: * Section 2.1 says "user specified algorithms" (which should be "user-specified algorithms"). Similarly, section 2.1.1 says "user specified transforms" (which should be "user-specified transforms"). * Section 2.1.1 says: The signing of the DigestValue is what binds a resources content to the signer's key. That should be: The signing of the DigestValue is what binds a resource's content to the signer's key. * Section 2.2 says: Applications that wish to represent other semantics must rely upon other technologies, such as [XML, RDF]. It seems that that should say: Applications that wish to represent other semantics must rely upon other technologies, such as XML [XML] or RDF [RDF]. (The notation "[ID]" is like a supescripted footnote reference; to read right, the sentence needs to complete even if all such references are removed.) * Section 8.1 says: For instance, applications that wish to sign a form, but permit users to enter limited field data without invalidating a previous signature on the form might use [XPath] to exclude those portions the user needs to change. The second comma seems imbalanced. There probably should be a corresponding comma after "on the form." * Section 8.1 also says: Note, core validation behavior does not confirm that the signed data was obtained by applying each step of the indicated transforms. That should probably start out as "Note: Core ..." or "Note that core ..." * Section 8.1 continues: (Though it does check that the digest of the resulting content matches that specified in the signature.) That sentence fragment should probably be combined with the previous sentence, e.g.: Note[: C]ore validation behavior does not confirm that the signed data was obtained by applying each step of the indicated transforms (though it does check that the digest of the resulting content matches that specified in the signature). * Section 8.1.1 says: For instance, when an encrypted envelope contains a signature, the signature does not protect the authenticity or integrity of unsigned envelope headers nor its ciphertext form, it only secures the plaintext actually signed. The last comma should be a semicolon (or there should be a sentence break there). * Section 8.3.1 says: To meet this recommendation where a document references an external style sheet, the content of that external resource should also be signed as via a signature Reference otherwise the content of that external content might change which alters the resulting document without invalidating the signature. There should be a semicolon (or sentence break) before the word "otherwise." * Section 8.1.3 says: All documents operated upon and generated by signature applications MUST be in [NFC, NFC-Corrigendum] ... That wording says that documents must be in the Normalization Form C specification instead of saying that the documents must be in Normalization Form C. It should probably say: All documents operated upon and generated by signature applications MUST be in NFC [NFC, NFC-Corrigendum] ... * Section 8.2 says "user specified algorithms" (which should be "user-specified algorithms"). Later, it also says "user provided ... algorithms" (which should be "user-provided ... algorithms"). * Similarly, section 8.3 says "application defined algorithms" (which should be "application-defined algorithms"). Daniel --
Received on Thursday, 15 February 2007 20:30:26 UTC