Re: ECDSA XML Signatures

Hello Mr. Anders Rundgren,

ECDSA is supported by the IAIK ECC library for the Java™ platform [1].
It is an add-on to the IAIK JCE provider so you have to download and
install the iaik-jce provider [2] separately. Then ECDSA can be used to
create ECDSA XML Signatures using the IAIK XML Security Toolkit
(XSECT) for the Java™ platform.

After registering at the IAIK/SIC website [4] the evaluation versions of
these libraries above can be downloaded.

best regards
Konrad Lanz

[1] IAIK/SIC ECC library,
[2] IAIK/SIC JCE provider,
[3] IAIK/SIC XML Security Toolkit,
[4] IAIK/SIC Registration,

Anders Rundgren wrote:
> [...]
> However, I have a hard time bringing up a single example of an
> ECDSA XML Signature.
> Anybody who have had more luck?
> [...]

Konrad Lanz, IAIK/SIC - Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 16a, 8010 Graz, Austria
Tel: +43 316 873 5547
Fax: +43 316 873 5520

Certificate chain (including the EuroPKI root certificate):

Received on Monday, 12 June 2006 11:57:12 UTC