Re: XAdES - More secure than XML Dsig?

>         A novice question. Pardon me if it is obvious.
> What is the need for signing the X509 certificate.

Suppose I have a single keypair, but multiple certificates for that 
pair.  For example, I might have a cert that identifies me as an 
employee, for signing email, and I might have a cert that identifies me 
as an officer of the company, for signing official documents.

Unless I sign the cert, I can swap the two roles, and the receiver 
cannot tell.

Even worse, a "fraudulent" or irrespoinsible CA can mint a new 
certificate for my public key that contains all sorts of things.  Unless 
the receiver does full cert-chain validation (and really, who does that? 
  nobody:), they can be fooled by this fraudulent cert.

Rich Salz, Chief Security Architect
DataPower Technology                 
XS40 XML Security Gateway
XML Security Overview

Received on Thursday, 11 March 2004 13:56:40 UTC