New XML Signature implementation and inter-op update

Cc: "Joseph M. Reagle Jr." <>
Subject: New XML Signature implementation and Update for Inter-Op

Hi Joseph,

Phaos Technology's XML Toolkit, which includes XML-DSIG and XML Encryption 
implementations, has just been released.

Below are the results of our tests vs. Merlin's interop examples. I would 
appreciate it if you could update the XML-DSIG interop matrix and toolkit 
links ( accordingly.


Ari Kermaier
Senior Software Engineer
Phaos Technology Corp.

merlin-xmldsig-sixteen.tar.gz   Keyword  Phaos
Detached Signature              MUST      Y1

Enveloping Signature: same
document reference with
fragment (URI="#Object1")       MUST      Y1

Enveloped Signature: same
document reference (URI="")
with Enveloped Signature
Transform.                      MUST      Y1

SignatureValue generation/
validation                      MUST      Y1

Manifest DigestValue
generation/valdiation           MAY       Y1

Feature: laxly schema valid
Signature element generation    MUST      Y1

XPointers '#xpointer(/)'        SHOULD    Y1

XPointers '#xpointer(id("ID"))' SHOULD    Y1

XPath                           SHOULD    Y1

the dsig XPath 'here()'
function (can be used to
implement enveloped signature)  SHOULD    Y1

XSLT (note, the child XSLT
element of Transform has been
deprecated.)                    MAY       Y1

RetrievalMethod (e.g., X509Data)SHOULD    Y1

merlin-xmldsig-sixteen.tar.gz   Keyword  Phaos
  SHA1                           MUST      Y1

  Base64                         MUST      Y1

  HMAC-SHA1                      MUST      Y1

  DSAwithSHA1                    MUST      Y1
  RSAwithSHA1                    SHOULD    Y1

  minimal(deprecated)            n/a       N
  Canonical XML (20010315)       MUST      Y1
  Canonical XML with comments    SHOULD    Y1

Signature Transform
  Enveloped Signature            MUST      Y1

merlin-xmldsig-fifteen.tar.gz        Phaos
signature-enveloped-dsa.xml           Y1
signature-enveloping-b64-dsa.xml      Y1
signature-enveloping-dsa.xml          Y1
signature-enveloping-hmac-sha1-40.xml Y1
signature-enveloping-hmac-sha1.xml    Y1
signature-enveloping-rsa.xml          Y1
signature-external-b64-dsa.xml        Y1
signature-external-dsa.xml            Y1

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2001 15:57:51 UTC