Re: Again: Signing a ds:Object - what's the right XPath

Hi all,

found the problem myself...

) &lt;= count(

was my solution

--On Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2001 12:57 +0200 Christian Geuer-Pollmann 
<> wrote:

> Hi all,
> let me ask again. What's the right XPath to completely identify a subtree
> based on the top-level element of the subtree. Using the XPath
> here()/ancestor::ds:Signature[1]/ds:Object[1]
> I can identify the first ds:Object in my ds:Signature. But for tor xpath
> ds:Transform to work properly, I have to modify this xpath that it doen't
> return a nodeset but evaluates to true for all descendant-or-self of this
> ds:Object. I tried
> ancestor-or-self::node() =
> here()/ancestor::ds:Signature[1]/ds:Object[1]
> but this XPath fails to catch the Attributes inside e.g. the ds:Object.
> What mistake do I make?
> Christian

Received on Friday, 12 October 2001 10:27:25 UTC