Questions about c14n implementation

Hi all,

I have two questions about the Canonical XML Interoperability Report [1]:

1. What does the following sentence (1. processor requirement) mean: "Use 
processors that support UTF-8 and UTF-16 and that translate to the UCS 
character domain".

Does this mean that canonicalizing UTF16-XML-Files must be possible (and 
that the result is UTF8) or what does "translation to UCS domain" mean?

2. Question: How did you check the 3rd processor requirement: 
"Implementations MUST NOT be implemented with an XML parser that
converts relative URIs to absolute URIs." . How should a parser (like 
Xerces) convert a URI? Does a parser understands what a URI is?



Received on Monday, 30 July 2001 03:30:42 UTC