Re: initial Exclusive Canonicalization draft

I don't really care that much where the documentation of the algorithm
URI and parameters for Exclusive XML Canonicalization go. But XMLDSIG
is quite stable so I don't think we want to add things there.  It
seems to me that the More XMLDSIG URIs document is really intended for
secondary things. So I guess I lean towards putting it in the
EXCL-C14N specification.


From:  merlin <>
To:  "Joseph M. Reagle Jr." <>
Cc:  "IETF/W3C XML-DSig WG" <>
In-reply-to:  <> 
Date:  Sun, 15 Jul 2001 23:42:31 +0100
Message-Id:  <>

>>At 07:58 7/12/2001, merlin wrote:
>>>The encoding (and, incidentally, your algorithm URI) belongs in &more;
>>If I understand you, I don't agree with this. This specification should 
>>define its own identifier. Why would it exist in &more;?
>I just look at &exc; as the specification for an algorithm and &more;
>as a specification for how certain algorithms are identified and encoded
>for use in &dsig;. In much the same way, &c14n; specifies an algorithm
>and &dsig; specifies (among other things) algorithm identifiers and
>parameter encoding. The &exc; document is not tied to &dsig; and really
>doesn't need to know how it will be encoded.
>If this is not how things are, then I'm wrong. merlin

Received on Thursday, 26 July 2001 23:24:01 UTC