- From: Ken Goldman <kgold@watson.ibm.com>
- Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 10:06:07 -0500
- To: w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org
I think this is saying - for example - that I should be able to add or delete part of a document without invalidating the signature on the rest of the document. For example, a bank issues a signed letter of credit. Signed reference #1 is the amount and dates of availability. Signed reference #2 is the repayment terms and collateral. I want to be able to present signed element #1 to a third party as proof that I have the credit, but detach element #2, which contains confidential data. Another. A merchant receives a signed #1 payment and #2 invoice. The merchant wants to send the payment on to his bank, but detach the invoice, which is private - between the buyer and seller. Another. a merchant is sending the payment on to his bank, and wants to add deposit account information. > From: "XML DSig" <xmldsig@hotmail.com> > Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 15:36:29 +0530 > > The XML-Signature requirements document in > section 3.2 Format mentions > > XML Signature must provide a mechanism that facilitates the > production of composite documents - by addition or deletion > -- while preserving the signature characteristics of the cnsitituent > parts. > > I will appreciate inputs in terms of a business / real-life situation > to understand this point better. -- Ken Goldman kgold@watson.ibm.com 914-784-7646
Received on Thursday, 8 March 2001 10:06:42 UTC