Re: AW: DTD-less id('object-3') -- what am I missing?

Gregor Karlinger <> wrote:

> Actually an id() function is used two times within the signature of
> merlins "sixteen" suite:
> * id('notaries') ... In this case the element is found since the type
>   of the attribute "Id" of the element "Notaries" is declared in the
>   internal subset of the DTD.


> * id('object-3') ... In our implementation we validate the Signature
>   element to be verified against the Schema grammar specified in the
>   XML-Signature specification. So the type of the attribute "Id" of
>   the element "Object" is recognized.

Fair enough, good idea.

I was also thinking of the barename XPointers ("#object-3") that implicitly 
use id() semantics too (except for the discarding of comments) -- but your
approach also covers all the examples of barename URIs in both -fifteen and 
-sixteen.  I had it in mind that there were also examples of enveloped or
same-document detached signatures that used fragment IDs, but that must
have been a figment of my imagination.


   Thomas Maslen

Received on Thursday, 17 May 2001 08:55:48 UTC