Comments on "XML-Signature Syntax and Processing"

I compared xmldsig-core-schema.xsd and xmldsig-core-schema.dtd referenced 
from the latest version of XML Digital Signature.

1) Syntax error

To my surprise, there is a syntax error in the DTD.

<!ELEMENT SignatureProperty %SignatureProperty.ANY >

should read

<!ELEMENT SignatureProperty %SignatureProperty.ANY; >

2) Differences between the two versions

Again, to my surprise, the DTD version and the XSD version 
provide significantly different content models.

- Permissible contents of MgmtData are very different.

- Permissible contents of KeyName are very different.

- Permissible contents of KeyValue are very different.

- Permissible contents of SignatureProperty are very different.

Is this intended?


IBM Tokyo Research Lab &
International University of Japan, Research Institute


Received on Monday, 11 December 2000 06:28:11 UTC