AW: Brief Report on EESSI Meeting

>Given the interest in XML and XML Signature, ETSI is interested in
>harmonizing this work with XML.
Just to make sure you know: There is a proposal from Juan Carlos Cruellas
available, which we would consider a rough, early draft, and Gregor is
working on comments to that draft. We have been in contact with ETSI in that
issue for a while , and we have promised to assist them too.

> My hope is that XML Signature could be used as part of a qualified
electronic signature.
I would hope so too, and I don't see an obvious reason why this  should not
be possible. Futher than that, we are participating in an European project,
where this is quasi a long-term requirement...

Dr. Peter Lipp
Inffeldgasse 16a
A-8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 5513
Fax:   +43 316 873 5520

Received on Tuesday, 3 October 2000 09:50:56 UTC