XML-encoding of SPKI Certificates

There is a new Internet-Draft about "XML-encoding of SPKI Certificates" 
available in the on-line Internet-Drafts directories (filename
'draft-paajarvi-xml-spki-cert-00.txt'). The draft uses XML-Signature
defined by XML-Signature WG as the signature format for certificates.

Please, take a look at the draft and send comments either to this mailing
list or directly to me.

Best Regards,
             Juha Pääjärvi

j u h a    p ä ä j ä r v i
     [R&D Engineer]                                      First Hop Ltd.
                                                         Tekniikantie 12
work   +358-9-2517 2332    juha.paajarvi@firsthop.com    FIN-02150 Espoo
mobile +358-40-560 2733    www.firsthop.com              Finland

Received on Wednesday, 15 March 2000 13:03:12 UTC