Minutes 2000-March-02


  Chairs: Donald Eastlake and Joseph Reagle
  Note Taker: Joseph Reagle 


     * Donald Eastlake 3rd, Motorola
     * Joseph Reagle, W3C
     * Ed Simon , Entrust Technologies Inc.
     * Mark Bartel, JetForm Corporation
     * John M. Boyer, PureEdge
     * Mariano Consens, University of Waterloo

  Status of documents < 5 minutes

     * Requirements - in RFC editors que.
     * Syntax and Processing - in Last Call in W3C, waiting for announce
       from Schiller.

  Charter Revision 8 minutes

     * Update milestones (though still aggressive).
     * Active period should end in July, then WG cycles to low
       maintenance phase.

  Main syntax document

    Old Last Call Issues 10 minutes

     * Transform: Maybe consider to change the type of attribute
       'Charset' to 'uri'.
       Eastlake: Supposed to be on IANA Charset types, keep at Charset.
     * Is minimal C14N sufficiently specified?
       Eastlake: Connolly asked question about line feeds and we
       responded use the XML line feed conventions. Yes, thinks it's
     * If minimal canonicalization or Canonical XML has been chosen it is
       clear what forms the input of the signature method, because both
       methods are using UTF-8 as character encoding. But what if no
       canonicalization is used?
       Eastlake: If you don't specify any form of canonical XML, then the
       byte order is application specified. Bartel agrees.

    New Last Call Issues 10 minutes

     * Being queued in the [5]Last Call Comments page.
     * Simon's namespace proposal: something to think about further.

      [5] http://www.w3.org/Signature/20000228-last-call-issues.html

  Senarios / Interop Test Cases 10 minutes

     * Reagle: I hope to generate a version of the FAQ/Scenarios with the
       some good examples in there, with generated cryptographic values
       within the week.
     * Boyer: will work on some of the sections.
     * Simon: can generate cryptographic values.


    IETF in Adelaide 8 minutes

     * Two requests to talk. IBM: tools; Juha Pääjärvi: SPKI
     * Eatslake: Proposes April 10 as the FTF to deal with Last Call

Joseph Reagle Jr.   
Policy Analyst           mailto:reagle@w3.org
XML-Signature Co-Chair   http://www.w3.org/People/Reagle/

Received on Friday, 3 March 2000 09:56:29 UTC