Signature definitions

These comments are based on the text in [1].


The definition for Enveloping Signature seems too constraining.  Current

The signature is over content found within the signature itself via an IDREF
to an Object element. The Signature provides the root XML document element.

It does not seem necessary to say that the content must be found with an
IDREF.  The Object element containing the content may be identified by a
transform.  Also, the enveloping signature need not provide the document
root, though clearly that is the principal reason for the enveloping
signature.Proposed definition:

SIGNATURE, ENVELOPING: The signature is over content found within the
signature itself in an Object element. The Object is typically identified by
IDREF (though a transform could be used), and the enveloping Signature
element is typically used to provide the root document element.

The definition of detached signature also seems too constraining.  Current

The signature is over external content identified via a URI. Cosequently,
the signature is "detached" from the content it signs.

The content external to the signature may be within the same document and
hence identified either by IDREF or by a transform.  A detached signature is
very much like an enveloped signature (in construction) except that an
enveloped signature includes the signature element as content.  Proposed

SIGNATURE, DETACHED: The signature is over content external to the Signature
element, which can be identified via a URI, IDREF, or transform.
Consequently, the signature is "detached" from the content it signs.

John Boyer
Software Development Manager
UWI.Com -- The Internet Forms Company

Received on Monday, 10 January 2000 12:48:35 UTC