Updated transforms

Attached is a new version of the XPath transform, which now has far less
content except for describing how to initialize the new c14n.
Also, the function this() was changed back to here() because the XPointer
group accepted our definition of the function.

I also tweaked the ending of the Enveloped signature transform because there
is no longer an independent notion of XPath serialization (it's all in c14n
now).  No substantive change was made to that document.

The only unusual point is that, in reviewing the old XPath transform
material, I realized that the c14n spec, Section 5 is missing material on
what to do when an XPath expression does not return a node-set.  The
material about taking the string value of numbers, booleans and string, then
expressing it in UTF-8 will be added to the next c14n in Section 5.  As
well, the editorial tweaks suggested by Joseph will be incorporated.

John Boyer
Software Development Manager
PureEdge Solutions Inc. (formerly UWI.Com)
Creating Binding E-Commerce

Received on Friday, 16 June 2000 17:56:13 UTC