Schemas and DTD for X509Data

Hi all!

I think there is a contradiction between the textual description of
section 4.4.4 and the corresponding Schema and DTD definitions:

The text (and the provided example) permit multiple declarations inside
a single X509Data Element, such as X509IssuerSerial and X509SKI. But as
you can see in the following Schema and DTD definitions, such multiple
declarations are not possible:

   <element name='X509Data'>
     <complexType content='elementOnly'>
       <choice minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='unbounded'>
         <sequence minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'>

           <choice minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'>
             <element ref='ds:X509IssuerSerial'/>
             <element name='X509SKI' type='string'/> <!-- should this be
binary? -->
             <element name='X509SubjectName' type='string'/>
         <element name='X509Certificate' type='ds:CryptoBinary'
minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
         <element name='X509CRL' type='ds:CryptoBinary' minOccurs='0'

   <!ELEMENT X509Data ((X509IssuerSerial | X509SKI | X509SubjectName),
                       ^                                            ^
                       I                                            I

                        X509Certificate*, X509CRL*)>

Regards, Gregor
Gregor Karlinger
Phone +43 316 873 5541
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2000 13:58:08 UTC