RE: XPTr bare names and XPATH id()

Oops, yes I used incorrect terminology.  This replacement should be

Furthermore, as I pointed out to the dsig group yesterday, and with which
you indicate agreement below, we are free to process an Xpath node-set or
XPointer location-set in any manner necessary.  Therefore, the XPointer
URI="#E" can
be processed by XPath serialization (or by the new c14n) by processing
E plus all nodes that have E as an ancestor.  In other words,

For the sake of ensuring that there is a resolution whether or not a
subtree() function exists, let me reiterate that, without the subtree()
function, we can still define the processing of the XPointer URI="#E" in
terms of Xpath serialization (or by the new c14n) by using the following

(//. | //@ | //namespace::*)[count(ancestor-or-self::* | id("E")) =

(The Xpath transform processes nodes on the node-set and omits nodes not in
the node-set).

John Boyer
Software Development Manager
PureEdge Solutions Inc. (formerly UWI.Com)
Creating Binding E-Commerce

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 10:43 AM
To: John Boyer
Cc: Henry S. Thompson; Joseph M. Reagle Jr.; Daniel Veillard;;
Subject: Re: XPTr bare names and XPATH id()

John Boyer wrote:
[... lots of stuff that I agree with deleted ...]

> Furthermore, as I pointed out to the dsig group yesterday, and with which
> you indicate agreement below, we are free to define the XPointer URI="#E"
> indicating E plus all nodes that have E as an ancestor.  In other words,
> subtree(id("E")).

Not so. The XPointer spec says what #E means for XML, and it
says that it means the same thing that #xpointer(id("E")) means.

You can't change the relationship between #E and
#xpointer(id("E")) without changing the XPointer spec.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Thursday, 8 June 2000 14:11:20 UTC