Re: XPTr bare names and XPATH id()

At 15:32 2000-06-07 +0100, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
 >There is no debate that the referent of a barename XPointer == XPath
 >id() function is a nodeset consisting of a single element node (or

My initial confusion resulted in not understanding what the "analog of the
HTML fragment identifier behavior" [2] meant. John pointed out it didn't
mean what I thought it meant, and you and Daniel have confirmed that.


 >And in the
 >XPath data model, just like the Infoset, when you point at something,
 >you implicitly point at everything you can access from it.

Could you cite the text you are referring to for the sake of completeness?

 >I think for me to help further with this, I need to see the referenced
 >correspondence from James and Steve -- is it in the dsig archive?

I don't think there was any correspondence from James or Steve.

Joseph Reagle Jr.   
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Wednesday, 7 June 2000 12:12:16 UTC