RE: Comment about C14N last draft

At 03:05 PM 6/6/00 -0700, John Boyer wrote:
 >Finally, as you can see, there are lots of options for solving this
 >and using XPath as a basis is not really causing a problem.  In fact the
 >only problem I do have is that the c14n issues list has not been provided
 >me, so the current version has not accounted for things like this because I
 >didn't know about them.  With respect to the issue above, what do people
 >think is the best choice:

John, you're right in that some of these things were  discussed before but
not all the context has a been public since it were part of the
deliberations of the Syntax WG. (Consequently, my impulse is just to go with
any assumption/decisions made in the original draft unless we have a good
reason to over turn it.)

However, in rooting through the archives, this specific issue was discussed
exactly a year ago and actually brought to XML Signature list. [1] You can
find an official poll of this WG at [2] (and a resulting thread).

Since we can't predict the future, if there's a new XML, people could always
right a new C14n. Consequently, I'd still agree with Tim Bray's comment one
year ago. [2]

  Note: if we leave the XML Decl out, and specify that this C14n
  spec applies *only* to XML 1.0 documents, we can postpone the
  decision about whether XML1 and XML2 docs can ever be canonically
  equivalent to the time we write the XML2 c14n spec.  Sounds good
  to me. -Tim

Joseph Reagle Jr.   
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Tuesday, 6 June 2000 18:59:28 UTC